
this message may be offensive
@babymama109 lol yup I'm a whore lol bitch please 


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@babymama109 lol then be done. You don't hurt me and you can't tell me that I'm depressed hun only I can say that and my doctor. I didn't say shit. I simply said the truth and you lashing out at me in this manner only proves to me that you are immature


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@AngelFromDemon fuck u u whore


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@babymama109 whoa okay calm your tits. Self harm is stupid. Took me a while to figure it out but it is. You are permanently scarring your body for a situation that is temporary.  What does self harming fix? Nothing. These people are fake. They have hurt me and many more. So calm the fuck down


@AngelFromDemon omg I'm sorry I I didn't know it would do that