Hey guys sorry i hadnt been on in awhile my internet was not working right til now and with the holidays and getting my CRC I hardly had time but i will continue with the stories but i think of putting couple up for adoption let me know which ones that you want to adopt and i will gladly give it up just promise to mention me in them lol
@AngelGinnyCramer Thanks for reading and voting! I'm glad you enjoyed the prologue! If you keep reading, which I hope you do, I hope you enjoy it! I'd also love to hear your feedback! Thanks again!:)
hello my viewers sorry guys for not being on here in a while with college kicking my butt. If anyone has any ideas or even to tell me one of my stories sucks GO RIGHT AHEAD I don't mind you telling me your thoughts. That is what I posted about on November 25 the day after my birthday. PLEASE ANY IDEAS OR THOUGHTS U GUYS HAVE FOR MY STORIES TELL ME IT WOULD HELP ME SO MUCH if you guys tell ur thoughts or ideas that will make my stories better.