Eyy so I'm not dead here after all. I doubt anyone's really been sitting around waiting for me to pop back in, but I'm here all the same ^^'
So I've slowly been getting some comments on this site, which makes me feel hella bad for abandoning it (especially mid-story...) I'm sorry to anyone who was reading Finding Home and disappointed by its lack of ending. It's been finished for years, I just... gave up on this site before finishing it here.
But that's all posted now! I also cleaned up a lot of stuff throughout all my posted stories. They'd all been re-edited with better grammar and flow since I published them here, so I updated all the text to the most current versions. I also never realized my horizontal lines for dividing scenes weren't showing up, so I put those in where they belong (god that must've made for some awkward reading... I'm sorry about that as well).
Going forward, I plan on bringing all my content to Wattpad. All three of my stories here are part of a larger universe, Who We Become, which I've just... got so much stuff for... I'll be prioritizing bringing WWB stuff here, then bringing other stories.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who read my work, especially those of you who dropped some comments! That's the whole reason I'm back to posting here, and I'll be more punctual replying to those in the future since I'm actually checking this site again ^^'