
Hey guys if you got any suggestions for game characters and or anime X readers let me know ^^ I'm planning on doing some more stories some five nights and freddys and elsword ones and possibly grand chase, maybe even darksiders (game) 


Hey guys if you got any suggestions for game characters and or anime X readers let me know ^^ I'm planning on doing some more stories some five nights and freddys and elsword ones and possibly grand chase, maybe even darksiders (game) 


Hi everyone I'm sorry if postings have been slow lately half is because of school and the other is because right now I have a major writers block and I wax wonder if you guys could help me and give me some insite on what I could do to add to the chapter I'll post what I have below. Oh and just to let you know the readers dad was abusive. I hope to hear your amazing ideas ^^ 
          (Your name) hobble her way back to her room, her heart ached after finding out about Hatty's proclamation on working her like a dog, she loved him yet she couldn't be close to him anymore. "Why do things like this always happen" she mumbled remembering her past life as a young girl, she cringed remembering about her past experience she never had a happy childhood........well until he saved her life. *flashback to her as a 6 year old girl* the door opened and young (your name) peeked in through the door "good he's not home" she whispered to herself she looked both ways and quickly bolted upstairs.