
Sorry all for not post my art yet , I lost my want to do it anymore because I started my depression episode from my Bipolar Disorder and it make it very hard to want to draw , but maybe I will post it when I am feeling a bit better .


By the way , I have notifications off because I am easy to be distracted , so I don 't want to accidentally be distracted by a notification when I am doing something important ! I go to sleep at 10 : 00 and wake up at 6 : 30 , but on school days I sleep at 9 : 00 because I need to have good sleep . I won 't be on here very very often because I don 't like to spend much time on the screen ! I like to be with my dog and mother and step father ! I live in the Easten day light time zone by the way ! I think that is the time of New York , and Michigan , and some of Canada , and Pennsylvania and many states ! I live in Michigan by the way .


I will probably come on this app at the times I am home alone and did my homework !


I have never had pizza that is the America style pizza so I 'm trying it for the first time today for lunch , and I am going to have my favorite meal duck for dinner !


Oops , I meant to say food out very often haha !


Usually my mother and step father cook and we don 't eat very food out often , so this will be the first time for a while !


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
I have been think about it alot , so I am going to share my story . I want to say a warning about rape , because that is what happened to me , so if you are not comfortable , please do not read this message !
          It happened two years ago , when I was 13 years . My cousin lived with me because his parents kicked him out , I don 't know why , but he did not have any money to have his own home so he came to live with my home . I was really essited because he was like my best friend ever even tho he was 17 years . One day I was sit on his bed with him watching a movie on his television with him . It was a movie I really liked . I was cold so he sat really close with me to warm me from the cold . After a little he put his hand on my shoulder , I didn 't like when he did that but I didn 't tell him to stop . I have saw my friends put their hands on their shoulders before so I think it was normal for that to happen . After a little he put his hand down some onto my chest , and I really didn 't like that one , so I said " Why did you put your hand their ?" And he pretend he doesn 't know where his hand is . After a little more he raped me . I didn 't know very much about sex only that it 's how you have a baby . I remember I was crying because it was hurting me and I was asking him to stop . But he told me it 's okay that I was hurting since it was the first time . When he was all done he left the room . I didn 't really know what happened . It felt like I was frozen and every thing was frozen . I was confused and scared and shamed and guilty . When I went to my room to sleep I was scared that maybe he would come in when I  sleeped . On that day I didn 't sleep very well , and I try to figure out why that happened and why would he do that . I didn 't tell my parents because I think it was my fault . My cousin died the next night in car accident , the police said he was drinking alcoholic while driving . I told my parents a week after it happened , and the police never were


The police never were asked because my cousin were already dead . My parents and step father are and were always understanding , and I live at a house that I can talk about it if I ever want to . My mother and step father always remind me that it wasn 't my fault since I always feel bad about it . I had a therapy for a little , but not any more , but now I am recovery from the situation , and I am learning how to deal with my feeling in healthy ways !


Reminder : It 's always okay to feel the things you 're feeling after a trauma experience , no feeling is invalid ! If thinking about the trauma experience makes you sad , anxious , guilty , angry , it is all normal ! Somethings bad has happened to you , and there is a high percent chance it was out of your control ! Don 't feel bad for your feelings ! In fact , embrace your feeling and recognize your feeling ! And if someone you have reliable , then talk to them about it ! Remember that it was usually not your fault !