
After years of inactivity, I got inspiration today to finally start re-writing my whole novel. So I just got done re-writing and cleaning up the prologue and first 3 chapters of Biggest Homophobic Bully! Please feel free to give it a read. I feel like it's much easier to read now — better flow in dialogue — and the mental images I built for the scenes are more vivid; a better portrayal of emotions and physical movements, too. 
          	If you do read it, please feel free to leave a comment too and let me know what you think ❤ 
          	Have a great day! 


After years of inactivity, I got inspiration today to finally start re-writing my whole novel. So I just got done re-writing and cleaning up the prologue and first 3 chapters of Biggest Homophobic Bully! Please feel free to give it a read. I feel like it's much easier to read now — better flow in dialogue — and the mental images I built for the scenes are more vivid; a better portrayal of emotions and physical movements, too. 
          If you do read it, please feel free to leave a comment too and let me know what you think ❤ 
          Have a great day! 


Sorry for my absence. I have been having ongoing family issues to deal with and it's gotten a bit hectic. That, and my constant writer's block. I'm trying to get back my inspiration to write my stories, but it's proving more difficult than I originally thought it might be. I will try my best! >~<


@aoc2024and2028 Hey! So the thing with BHB is that I actually started writing it when I was a kid in high-school lmao. I have 20+ chapters written that aren't even published yet. So I've made a decision recently to re-write the whole story; because the me from 5 years ago wasn't as good of a writer as I currently am. Still keeping the plot, but cleaning up the plot holes and changing the whole pace of the story. Adding in some things, deleting some other things. So it's going to be a pretty big project. It is, however, my top priority novel out of all the unfinished ones I have. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a date for when it will be finished, as I still feel like I have at least another 20 chapters for this story. I don't plan on letting my boys go so easily haha. But it'll be worth it. Because looking back, the story is kinda terrible as it is now lmao.  


When will Biggest homophobic bully be finished?


Good day :) 
          Just a quick message... 
          Even though I am not updating Biggest Homophobic Bully at the moment, I am actively editing and re-writing it, for those of you who may think I've just stopped with it altogether. I definitely have not. 
          - Angel


Hey :D 
          I just wanted to let y'all fabulous amazin' people know that I won't be updating for a while. I know, I know, I'm so bad :O but I just recently read over the first chapters of one of my books and realised how horrible I was at writing back then, so I have decided to go back a re-write the three of my books that I've currently been working on. As such, it could take a while, but I'll be as fast as I can, and then I'll get back to posting updates for y'all to read :3 
          Until then, don't get too sad :(  Love you all so much and thank you for putting up with me :p


Shout out to...                                   EVERYONE    !!!
          I've reached 60 followers :D
          Thank you so much for following me, I love you all so much <3 I wouldn't be where I am without you xx You are what keep me writing, even when I absolutely don't feel like it, and I'm grateful for that and for you! 
          Hope you all have an amazing day/night/evening wherever you are <3


Just so there is no confusion, my username used to be Faeries_Lynxx, so if you see that on a cover of one of my books, it simply means the book's cover was created before I changed my username -- I did not steal the cover/title of my book/s from anyone :D 
          Have an awesome day! xx


If you have read the first chapter of any of my books, you will have noticed that they need some MAJOR editing. So, whichever story gets the most votes by the 10th of this month will be the one I continue on with for now, and it will also be the one I edit first. Obviously, even once I'm done editing, there WILL still remain some mistakes, whether  it's grammar or whatever... what can I say? Nobody is perfect. 


I just published the first chapter/prologue of three new stories! Please read all three of them, and tell me which one you want me to continue with. All three stories already have 10+ parts written, but I just want ONE book to focus on, and I thought, 'Hey, might as well leave the choice to my followers', so yeah. It would be greatly appreciated! 


I don't like gangs and I don't particularly like the plot for "Three!?" so I don't need to read any of your stories to tell you to stick with the first option :)
            That is all.
            - Your favourite sister


Biggest Homophobic Bully (boyxboy) - slice of life, kinda
            Three!? (boyxboy) - werewolf
            Nyctophilia (boyxboy) - contains SOME stuff on gangs