
I read the Leukemia Dairies in my block room classroom every Wednesday because I had no one to talk to. I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart that you had to go through something as agonizing as that. And when I finished the book I wanted to cry, I cannot even imagine what it must of been like to watch something you love with all your heart to be weak and tired. But it also made me realized how lucky I am to be in the position I am in, in life and I wish you and your family well. 


@127574509r  You are so kind-- thank you so very much for reading my story.  I appreciate it so very much!  I am so happy to report that my son is healthy now (that will be in the ending of my book!). We are so lucky each and every day.  All my best to you! :-)


I admit that I didn't read your book. I just want to share that I experienced the same journey you took. And I'm afraid that reading it would bring back unhappy memories and scars. But still, with whatever your future holds or had held, your battle against cancer isn't yours alone. It's ours. We may have lost lives with it but we're not going to lose against it. Godbless! 


@mjburns Many blessings to you!


Am reading your Leukemia Diaries with a heavy heart. My grandson was diagnosed last July so our family has just started this journey. I write about it also (The Cancer Room), though not in the form of diary. Thank you so much for sharing.


@TheAlvarezChronicles Thank you so very much for taking the time to read, and also for sharing.  Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Please know that there is happiness and joy even throughout the darkest moments of this journey.  Much kindness to you and yours from our family in Oregon.