
Heeeeey everyone!
          	I just posted chapters 6, 7, and 8 to my story "Malibu"! Thank you to everyone who has been following it so far! :) I'm working on a pretty long chapter 9, which is a chapter from Bennett's perspective, and it's been really fun and exciting to write! Check out the book 


Hey guys.
          Love Optional is finished. Wow. Done. Completed. 
          I know it's Tuesday, and I don't usually post on Tuesdays, but I couldn't wait to share the last three chapters of this outstanding journey with you all. 
          Back in May, I had this crazy fantasy that I would write 50K words in one summer. And I did it. I achieved something I set my mind to. Tonight, I am met with a surge of bittersweet emotions. Writing this story for you guys, and for myself, has been such a thrill, and I am saddened to see the adventure ending. At the same time, finishing the first draft of the longest literary work I have ever attempted is an amazing personal accomplishment. 
          So, please do me the honor of reading my book and drop me a few comments if you want. 

          Or, if you'd rather, here's a link to my profile to explore my other stories, and to get to know more about me.
          Thank you all so much for everything you have done to support me in the past, and the ways in which you will support me in the future. I won't be on Wattpad for a while, and I'll miss it a lot. Writing is a big part of me. Thank you, thank you. You haven't seen the last of me. ;) <3


Good early morning, lovelies!
          So it's 12:30am, and the new chapter of the story that is now titled "Love Optional" (previously known as "20/20 Hindsight") is a few hours late. Teehee. 
          This week, I was scrolling through Pinterest (a favorite pass time of mine) and I found this quote by one of my favorite literary geniuses: the renowned Ernest Hemingway. "We are all broken, that's how the light gets in." 
          Said man also said to "write hard and clear about what hurts." This is a montage I have been embracing in my story "Love Optional"
          Check out chapter six at the link below!


Hello guys! 
          The newest chapter of 20/20 Hindsight is up. Read chapter five at this link!

          I've been posting these chapters rather unedited recently. I plan to come back in and edit the writing later this year, but for now it will go raw in the way I am posting them. The whole novel, and each of the chapters will be undergoing a name change shortly, but if any of you have a suggestion for a title, please feel free to message me or leave a comment. I will of course update you about that. xoxo. 


"We both heard the door slowly creak open and quickly jolted away from each other. It was Eleanor. 'I’m so sorry about crashing that thing earlier,' she said. 'I don’t know what came over me.' We both just stared at her. 'So, I have decided that I will punish myself by sleeping in the dorm with Stella. I’ve heard she snores loudly. I will see you two in the morning.' She left without giving us a chance to say a word, and my eyes flicked between Xavier, his bed, and the sofa."
          Chapter three of 20/20 Hindsight is up! Check it out at the link below: 

          I hope you all are having a fantastic Friday! 
          Thanks so much for the support with this story! Chapter four will be a little late because I'm going to be gone all next week. I'll try to get it up that same weekend though. xoxo.


          I hope you all have been having an amazing June this year, as we wrap up our last week of this month! I just posted chapter one and chapter two of my summer novel "20/20 Hindsight." Normally, these chapters will be posted weekly on Friday nights, but as I will be out of town next week, I've posted two this week for you guys. A special thanks to my editor for this story, @Wallspider77 , who's been very patient with me. :) 
          Time is something you can never get back. When Alice Wilson leaves for college early and gets tangled up with a different kind of people, the time she lost back home may never be recovered. By the time she tries to reconnect with those she lost, it may be too late.
          Check out 20/20 Hindsight!


Hey guys!
          I'm officially out of my rabbit hole! I've been MIA for the past few months with the craziness of this summer and the restart of school. But now that the holidays are over and I'm settled into school, I'm here to stay.
          I rewrote chapter nine of Maze of Twine because I've decided to take the story in a new direction. I hope you all enjoy it. <3


It's me again.
          I just wanted to let you all know that I'm switching back to my old schedule of updating Maze of Twine every Saturday not that Little Red Lights is finished. So keep a look out for updates on that.


Hey my lovelies!
          School starts up again next week so next Friday I'll be coming out with the schedule for the next little while. Also, coming next week will be the very last chapter of my summer novel, Little Red Lights. I made a new cover for it today so check it out and let me know what you think!
          Thanks so much for the support, it means the world.