
First chapter is up 


Hello to everyone seeing this I want to say my stories are not over every story other than the Tate Langdon one will continue to go on until I decide I've had enough. I know it's been a while and I am sorry for that buy sadly it's going to be that way school, my schedule, and the world are all pretty hectic right now but I wanted to let you know the stories are not discontinued and won't be until I decide. 


ATTENTION! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️You have been chosen to be showered with love! So enjoy! Now post this to everyone's message board who you think deserves all the love in the universe. If you get... 1 back=you're loved, 3 =you are popular, 5 back=you are the most lovable person out there, 9 =I'm jealous


Hey I love your books Tey are so amazing I get lost in them then when I come back to reality I pout as I don't want to. When are you writing another wyatt x reader book? 


@Angelambowen12345 thank you so much for the books in 1 can't wait for the next chapter 


@MiaPike2005 the current one is actually not over I've just been extremely busy I'll post a new chapter as soon as I can I promise


It just came to my attention that every story on wattpad is now under public domain is this some glitch can someone explain this to me please because idk about anyone else but j don't want my stuff getting taken without my permission if you know anything about this please tell me thank you 


Okay. The request is called "Hide & Go Seek with the Pokémon" and the plot goes as follows: Lucario and Arcanine and their friends Luxio, Raichu, Fraxure, Simisear, Talonflame, Gligar, Nidoqueen, Archeops, Spinarak, Stunky, Ledian, Ducklett and Chatot get the house to themselves after their trainer brings them out and ask them to take care of themselves while she is away and, after playing about thirty minutes of Wii Party, decide to play a two-round game of hide and seek with a twist: The last player gets tickled for ten minutes. After the game is over, the trainer comes home and serves Poképuffs to her Pokémon. 
          Here are the voice actors that will do their voices:
          Lucario and Nidoqueen: Nicole Stamp
          Arcanine and Fraxure: Evany Rosen
          Stunky and Ledian: Tara Strong
          Luxio and Talonflame: Cory Doran
          Ducklett and Chatot: Maddie Blaunstien
          Raichu and Simisear: Matt Hill
          Gligar: Andrew Sabiston
          Archeops: Rob Tinker
          Spinarak: Shannon Hamilton
          You think you can do it when the chance is ripe? Please.
          Also, do you have any questions or dares for my Ask or Dare TDRR: Tickle Edition story and do you have any ideas for my TD/RR x Pokémon Reader One-Shots story?


@Angelblue13257 okay I screenshotted this and it is going in my notes I will have to educate myself on pokemon though so it may be a little while and if at anytime soon I do end up I will probably just make a one shot book so other people can request stuff too and it can divide things easily. 