Okay. The request is called "Hide & Go Seek with the Pokémon" and the plot goes as follows: Lucario and Arcanine and their friends Luxio, Raichu, Fraxure, Simisear, Talonflame, Gligar, Nidoqueen, Archeops, Spinarak, Stunky, Ledian, Ducklett and Chatot get the house to themselves after their trainer brings them out and ask them to take care of themselves while she is away and, after playing about thirty minutes of Wii Party, decide to play a two-round game of hide and seek with a twist: The last player gets tickled for ten minutes. After the game is over, the trainer comes home and serves Poképuffs to her Pokémon.
Here are the voice actors that will do their voices:
Lucario and Nidoqueen: Nicole Stamp
Arcanine and Fraxure: Evany Rosen
Stunky and Ledian: Tara Strong
Luxio and Talonflame: Cory Doran
Ducklett and Chatot: Maddie Blaunstien
Raichu and Simisear: Matt Hill
Gligar: Andrew Sabiston
Archeops: Rob Tinker
Spinarak: Shannon Hamilton
You think you can do it when the chance is ripe? Please.
Also, do you have any questions or dares for my Ask or Dare TDRR: Tickle Edition story and do you have any ideas for my TD/RR x Pokémon Reader One-Shots story?