
So I opened my notifications today, and I saw a lot of hate comments on my stories. If you guys have a problem with any of my stories that you would like changed, please just message me and ask and I can try my best.


@Angelcandy321 who cares what others thinks i still love your stories just last week i had someone make fun of me for spelling which i was gonna let slide but this user started to be mean by calling me names which i choose to fight back and explained to him that my keyboard was messed up but he kept bullying me so decided that i had enough and discontinued my stories for now cause i needed time to calm down so i contacted 3 people on wattpad for help 2 were people i followed cause when i followed them they said that if i ever need help feel free to come to them and the 3rd person was the wattpad research i reported this person 3 times and i ended up getting his content removed which i imagine he probably hates me for that now but i blocked him after so just to say as advice who cares what others think you just do what you do best and if they dont like it then they can deal with it


@Angelcandy321 You  are amazing, and don't listen to those a-holes, they are just jelous that they cannot put out stuff as good as yours! I wish you the best! -Julia


@Angelcandy321 Don't listen to those people because clearly they don't know what they're talking about! Your stories are AMAZING!!!


Can you please finish your Funtime Freddy x reader please I've gotten hooked and it's only one pageeee


@commitknight oh I'm sorry I didn't know I won't ask anymore for a while


@commitknight they haven't done much since 2019
            Their stepdad was in the hospital, in a coma (though I'm unsure of he woke up or not) and they've gotten a lot of hate on their stories for no reason.
            There's more, but I'm not that in depth with other issues of theirs.
            It's best not to request or ask anything of them for a while, they're already going though things 


Hey I know my username it’s call the amazing Callie but I have a Chanel call that.  Anyways I’m asking  permission  If you can please kindly make me be able to use your fanfic of the tom x reader  so I can make a animated show off it. I already made the first episode off the first chapter and you can  go ahead and watch it’s call tom x watcher so can you please kindly give me permission and I well always  Credit you I do not want to be those tips of people that don’t credit the  original  creators . so will you give me the  permission to  animate your fanfic.
          From: the amazing Callie 
          P.s I  know that my name isn’t what it says but someone already used it and that’s on my  abandon  Wattpad  Account  sorry if that’s misleading .


So I take it as a yes happy to know your honored


@LololUWU Oh my goodness im so sorry i didnt get back to you, i just went and watched your animation and i am so honored! I love it so much! I really hope you continue and i am going to subscribe to your channal right now, thank you so much, youve made me so happy! <3


Here’s a link for the video if it works sorry if it doesn’t


So I opened my notifications today, and I saw a lot of hate comments on my stories. If you guys have a problem with any of my stories that you would like changed, please just message me and ask and I can try my best.


@Angelcandy321 who cares what others thinks i still love your stories just last week i had someone make fun of me for spelling which i was gonna let slide but this user started to be mean by calling me names which i choose to fight back and explained to him that my keyboard was messed up but he kept bullying me so decided that i had enough and discontinued my stories for now cause i needed time to calm down so i contacted 3 people on wattpad for help 2 were people i followed cause when i followed them they said that if i ever need help feel free to come to them and the 3rd person was the wattpad research i reported this person 3 times and i ended up getting his content removed which i imagine he probably hates me for that now but i blocked him after so just to say as advice who cares what others think you just do what you do best and if they dont like it then they can deal with it


@Angelcandy321 You  are amazing, and don't listen to those a-holes, they are just jelous that they cannot put out stuff as good as yours! I wish you the best! -Julia


@Angelcandy321 Don't listen to those people because clearly they don't know what they're talking about! Your stories are AMAZING!!!


For some reason I feel like my stories aren't good enough :/


@Lupe_Arrowwood Thank you, That means a lot


@Angelcandy321 Dont ever think something like that! They are amazing stories. I for one love them!