Hey kid!
I just came to thank you for reading my book. I barely get reads and yet you decided to read my book. Idk how to thank you for this support. I genuinely am grateful for your lovely time.
Thank you kid.
You always read my books. I want to thank you properly but for that you need to reply. You can always click the three dots over the side of the message to reply back. I would love to talk to you.
Thanks kid for always supporting my books ❤️
Hello Angeleyes1716,
Just wanted to thank you for voting on my book Halloween kiss it really means a lot to me and if I could ask your opinion and what your thoughts are on my book or of the chapters you've read so far your input would be really helpful thank you again.
Hey, love. I’m just hear to incredibly thank you for your huge and great support on my book! It means the world to me and I’m very grateful thank you so so much ♥️♥️♥️