
Hi everyone, I decided to unpublish the first two chapters in Thorns in me to make changes permanently of where the story begins. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and wish you all a Happy New Year! 


Hi everyone, I decided to unpublish the first two chapters in Thorns in me to make changes permanently of where the story begins. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and wish you all a Happy New Year! 


Hey everyone, I just wanted to apologize for my recent absence. Life's been a bit hectic, but I truly appreciate your patience. If there's a story you're excited for me to continue, please let me know—I’d love to hear what you’re most looking forward to!


Very soon, I will be publishing the first chapter of my original book, titled *Thorns in Me*. I hope you all enjoy it—it's quite different from my fanfic stories. I've spent a lot of time editing this chapter to ensure it's ready for you to read and enjoy.
          Additionally, I've renamed some of my books: *The Fantasy War* is now *The Fantasy Celestial War*, and *The Light That Touched Me* is now *Your Light Touched Me*. I've also updated the book covers and my pen name.


 I hope you’re all having a wonderful day and night. I will soon be publishing the first chapter of  “Flowers in the sun” as you can guess the hint for my final fantasy 7 lovers out there.  It is a new story for my fellow Zerith fans, if you’re interested please don’t hesitate to take a look. 
          *May all your tiny wishes come true*


Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been disappearing. Ive been really depressed lately. I probably won’t be resuming some stories for some time now. I’ve been writing other books that are not yet published, but I hope the new readers enjoy them. I will be back soon, take care.