
Should I write lesbian one shots? And I am soooooo sorry o haven’t updated I just don’t have any inspiration to continue writing those stories at the moment! But if ya have any suggestions on what I should write then please please please write me either here or pm me! 
          	 Bye for now my little munchkin kids! I luv you! 


Should I write lesbian one shots? And I am soooooo sorry o haven’t updated I just don’t have any inspiration to continue writing those stories at the moment! But if ya have any suggestions on what I should write then please please please write me either here or pm me! 
           Bye for now my little munchkin kids! I luv you! 

          Now that’s true love. One that I hope I might find but who can love a girl who doesn’t even love herself? Who can be happy with that? Who can love someone so broken and frail but pretends to be strong and puts up an act? 
          I don’t think anyone can. I’m to clingy, to damaged, to annoying, to quiet, to loud, worry to much, love to deep, everything I do seems as though it isn’t enough.


*gasps* today is 626! Yay stitch day! 
          (If you can’t tell I luuuuvvvv experiment 626 (Stitch)! 
          *giggles* On two different occasions I’ve been called Stitch and Angela (if you don’t know Angela then we can’t be friends. Jk! I’ll tell ya all abouts her if ya likes but ya have to pm me!) 
          Yes I need some more friends but a Little scared to make new friends since I’ve not had the best experience with some friends in the past)


Okay I’ve decided I’m not sharing my poems cuz there way to personal. And I’m sorry I haven’t been updating any of my stories I just haven’t really felt like writing. And what I do feel like writing their way to personal. But if your one of my friends, or my boyfriend and want to read then then just text me. I’ll let y’all read them.


I saw this on Facebook and I had to put it on my status thingy cuz I love it and think it’s true. You never know if you’ll live tomorrow so live and love today like it’s your last. Got that girl you think you love or fell in love with? Tell her but don’t only tell her show her you love her. Shower her your love, affection, and attention. Keep her loving and wanting you. Make her feel like she is your moon, your Queen, your everything. Never take her for granted. Always ask if she’s alright or how her day is. Send her good morning and goodnight messages for her to wake up and fall a sleep to. Let her know you miss her and are thinking about her. She may know you do this but she still wants to hear it and feel like the most important, special, and beautiful girl in the world. She may seem confident and like she’s loving herself but that’s not always the case. Most girls are insecure and just need reassurance. 
          Bob Marley once said:
          "You may not be her first,
          her last, or her only.
          She loved before
          she may love again.
          But if she loves you now,
          what else matters?
          She's not perfect—you aren't either,
          and the two of you may never be perfect together
          but if she can make you laugh,
          cause you to think twice,
          and admit to being human and making mistakes,
          hold onto her and give her the most you can.
          She may not be thinking about you every second of the day,
          but she will give you a part of her
          that she knows you can break—her heart.
          So don't hurt her,
          don't change her,
          don't analyze and
          don't expect more than she can give.
          Smile when she makes you happy,
          let her know when she makes you mad,
          and miss her when she's not there.
          Love with your whole being when you receive love.
          Because there are no perfect girls, but there will always be a girl who is perfect for you.."