First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day.
Next I just wanted everyone here to know that I will be canceling 5 of the category's since I see no response so the categories which will continue are
I am really sorry that I had to take such a drastic step.
Next for the people who read my books I will deleting a few stories and restarting like a fresh start I have loads of ideas in my head. And I am sorry to inform that A NEW WAR, wouldn't continue. A New Beggining will be re-edited and re- mastered but in an another book. Also my update timetable will be there by tomorrow and I will be announcing all the special books which will be released. Sorry I have not been posting and I am really sorry for the people who loved to read A New War and Mysteries of the Morbuim Ring. I couldn't continue because I am to busy with school and my life and I probably couldn't handle it. I feel really guilty deep down since I know that many of you really like this book but I don't have time to continue all the stories which I created. Also, if you're curious for more updates read on...
1. For a New Beginning I will be changing to plot line, cover etc. But there's a catch if you want the 'OLD NEW BEEGINING BOOK' then it will still be available and ya
2. My updates will be 2 times a month for all books since it will get a little hard for me to update weekly or more often
3. For the awards I realized that they are not enough judges of communication of participants so I decided to cancel a few categories and I am really sorry for that!
Also, my Randomness book will have updates and when my books will be uploaded. Now, for the loooooong conclusion,
My account and books will be updated and there will be plenty of books to read also my old books a few of them will get deleted and new ones will emerge. And again I am really sorry that I was not responding to any messages!