
Hello my dear readers and followers. I have taken down my major, Jasper as part of a reviewing period as I realise I was not writing it the way I wanted to and I really need to sort it out. There's a few errors I need to address and to this I needed to take it down. Hope you all forgive me and I will post it all back up new and improved and hopefully get where I want the story to go. Thank you for your patience love you all xx


Hello my dear readers and followers. I have taken down my major, Jasper as part of a reviewing period as I realise I was not writing it the way I wanted to and I really need to sort it out. There's a few errors I need to address and to this I needed to take it down. Hope you all forgive me and I will post it all back up new and improved and hopefully get where I want the story to go. Thank you for your patience love you all xx


Hello followers. All five of you at the moment. I would love it if you could take a glance at my new book called exiled. It's currently one part being the prologue however it wont be long til the first chapter is up. and would love to have feedback off of you all. if you also have any queries dont hesitate to message me about it xoxo