Angélico's Title Match
Announcer: This is for the WWE Championship.
(My music hits)
Announcer: Introducing first from México City México, Angélico.
(The Crowd Cheers)
(Alberto's music hits)
Announcer: And his Opponent from San Luis Potosí, México he is the WWE Champion, Alberto Del rio
(The Crowd Boo's and the bell rings)
*we start off grappling then Alberto hits,kicks and throws me out of the ring*
Official: 1...
*i get in the ring and throw kick after kick to Alberto then I slam him into the turnbuckle* *Alberto throws me into the ring post and my shoulder hits it causing me to fall on the floor* *Alberto gets me into the ring and pins me*
Official: 1...
*i kick out then Alberto put me in a submission*
Official: what do u say Angélico?
Angélico: no
*I get out of the submission and start kicking and punching him*
(In the middle of the match)
*Alberto is in a corner I kick him several times*
Official: 1...2...3
*i get off of him and use a huricanrana,drop toe hold & kick to the side of the head then I pin him*
Official: 1...2...
*Alberto kicks out at 2 and 1/2 I use my finisher on him*
Official: 1...2...3
(Bell rings)
Announcer: and the winner of this match and new WWE Champion Angélico
*the ref gives me the belt and raises my hand in victory, I get out of the ring hurting but still a proud Champion*