
Hello everyone,
          	Today is Jan 28, 2022, today marks the day where I finally give my verdict on the story Sex Toy I wrote back in 2016. I’d like to apologize to all the fellow readers and followers of mine for not publishing more chapters since the last one knowing that all of you were anticipating for more. Since then I got really busy with life and school in 2019 and a lot of things where going on back which drove me further away from writing and I ended up deleting the app. For some of you who were concerned, I’m doing pretty okay, currently a sophomore in college who is ready to transfer soon, and also making this year my main character year because we are all main characters of our life and we’re gonna take it by the neck. Unfortunately my verdict is that I will no longer work on the story anymore and I lay it to rest peacefully where it is. I’d like to thank all of you that showed support for my story over the years, I didn’t think that the story would make it this far, I loved reading every comment and the reactions and emotions of roller coasters all of you went through. Who knows whether later in the years I’ll still keep the story still or delete it. Hopefully this story is something you guys can look back at and laugh, to remember as a momento if ever talked about with friends, hopefully new readers who come across it will enjoy it or laugh at how cringe it was back then. Once again thank you guys and hope that some understand. 


Hello everyone,
          Today is Jan 28, 2022, today marks the day where I finally give my verdict on the story Sex Toy I wrote back in 2016. I’d like to apologize to all the fellow readers and followers of mine for not publishing more chapters since the last one knowing that all of you were anticipating for more. Since then I got really busy with life and school in 2019 and a lot of things where going on back which drove me further away from writing and I ended up deleting the app. For some of you who were concerned, I’m doing pretty okay, currently a sophomore in college who is ready to transfer soon, and also making this year my main character year because we are all main characters of our life and we’re gonna take it by the neck. Unfortunately my verdict is that I will no longer work on the story anymore and I lay it to rest peacefully where it is. I’d like to thank all of you that showed support for my story over the years, I didn’t think that the story would make it this far, I loved reading every comment and the reactions and emotions of roller coasters all of you went through. Who knows whether later in the years I’ll still keep the story still or delete it. Hopefully this story is something you guys can look back at and laugh, to remember as a momento if ever talked about with friends, hopefully new readers who come across it will enjoy it or laugh at how cringe it was back then. Once again thank you guys and hope that some understand.