
Hi, I just wanted to say that I changed my username from 'KAZAYA_writes' into 'Angeliquexxo'.
          	Another thing, I am writing the first chapter of 
          	HIS OWN.♡
          	sorry for being late, but studying never ends :(


Hello guys, I just want to say a few words.  First of all, Happy New Year & Marry Christmas to all of you, I truly wish you well in 2024 and all your lives.  Secondly, I would like to apologize for the delay, but during this period I have exams and studying almost never ends, so I simply decided that I would start publishing “HIS OWN” at the beginning of the new year in January so that I would have finished some exams and studying would have slowed down a little.  In the end, I would like to thank everyone who followed me and believed in me, and I will try to do my best for my first work. Truly, wonderful events await you guys.
          Personality I'm very excited. Can't wait to publish the first part of "HIS OWN"!


Hello guys, I sincerely apologize for not starting to update my first novel, but I started studying a while ago, and the subjects are heavy and require a lot of studying.  
          Another important point: I was starting the novel, but I felt that the events of the first chapter were not logical and might be complicated for some people, so I will rephrase the events. I seriously have not forgotten you, but time is not very helpful. Please do not lose hope.
           Hope that my work will be worth your wait.


Good evening, everyone. I would like to apologize for the delay, but because of my studies, I don't have much time to write.
          But I'm currently writing in the first chapter, and I want to tell you that I'm preparing something hot and spicy.
          I hope you like it...and in the end I would like to thank everyone who follows me, I will do my best and will be patient so that our family will get bigger.
                       THAT'S A WORD FROM MY HEART ❤️ 


I would like to say something important for myself and for every beginning writer like me. I know that I am at the beginning now and that the matter is not very encouraging, especially if you do not find someone to encourage or support you or even respond to your simplest comments, but it is okay.  We must surrender, but rather persevere and continue, and we will surely succeed in the end, and we will find someone who loves what we make and write.... Always remember that there are hundreds and even thousands and millions who love the type you write, whatever it is, as long as it is not shameful.❤️☺️⚘️


أود أن أقول شيئًا هاما لنفسى  و لكل كاتب بادئ مثلى، أعلم أنى فى البداية الأن و أن الأمر ليس مشجع كثيرًا خصوصًا إذا لم تجد من يشجعك أو يدعمك أو حتى يرد على أبسط تعليقاتك لكن لا بأس أؤمن أن القادم أفضل إن شاءالله، و تحن لا يجب أن نستسلم بل نثابر و نكمل و أكيد سننجح فى النهاية، و سنجد من يحب ما نصنع و نكتب....تذكر دائمًا أن هناك المئات و حتى الألف و الملايين يحبون النوع الذى تكتبه أى كان مادام ليس خادشًا للحياء.⚘️☺️❤️