Hello, my little butterflies! Sorry for being socially dead! I know I said in my last post that I would have a chapter up soon, however I have need really struggling with my health at the moment... On top of that, I have actually had mock exams for the past few weeks, so have been preparing for that as well! My last one is on Monday! I will also have another round of mocks at Christmas, so sorry if you don’t hear from me then. I am trying to write and be creative, but am just feeling a little uninspired at the moment.
I do plan on writing this weekend, while peeping for my mock, but once that mock is done, I am going to spend more time actually writing! WHO KNEW!!
Thank you for everyone who has been so thoughtful and supportive during this *cough* little *cough* hiatus. It means the world to me!!
The book is not finished yet, so please don’t go! There are still a lot of cliffhangers and a few plot twists left!! So hang tight, and thank you so much for waiting patiently...