
Hey guys I know I haven't been writing anything at all and I'm sorry that I haven't And there's no excuse I'll try and update but if I'm being honest I've grown out of most of the things I liked before so if anyone wants to take on my stories as theirs own just ask and I might give it to you I'll be writing other things but I will keep my lyric book and if anyone wants the discontinued book ask thanks for reading this - angel 


Hey guys I know I haven't been writing anything at all and I'm sorry that I haven't And there's no excuse I'll try and update but if I'm being honest I've grown out of most of the things I liked before so if anyone wants to take on my stories as theirs own just ask and I might give it to you I'll be writing other things but I will keep my lyric book and if anyone wants the discontinued book ask thanks for reading this - angel 


Sorry again I haven't been updating in forever I discontinued one of my stories a note was left in that story why but anyways I'm back and probably will for a couple weeks maybe I've been in the process of moving depression and anxiety I'll try to update my stories and that's about it thanks for reading , Angel out