
Haven’t been active? Yeah I know and I’m sorry! It’s winter break so I’ll have plenty of time to write.


Quick Imagine: ~Shawn Mendes~
          Shawn POV:
          I sit on my bathroom carpet and stare blankly at my phone glancing at the heart breaking message, "you are too much for me to handle, I am sorry Shawn, but I cannot go through this friendship of ours anymore...bye."
          It began to feel like the walls were caving in on me, when the fear of being alone hit me, and my head then started filling up with my mental screaming, "Help me!" "Someone help me!" "Is there somebody who can help me?!" and "I need somebody now!"
          Quickly and desperately I send text messages to my other friends. Matt told me, " just have a drink and you'll feel better." and Cameron said " just take her home and you'll feel better." Y/N then told me, "it gets better." But...does it ever?
          I began to sob into my trembling hands, begging for someone's help. I feel like giving up. I feel overwhelmed and so insecure. No medicine is strong enough to help me right now. 
          I then hear footsteps coming up the steps to the bathroom door. 
          "Shawn are you in there?" It was Y/N. She came all this way to see me? Y/N is one of my closest best friends, but the other I just lost...we were much more close. That's why it hurt so much. 
          "Yeah..." I mumble through my obnoxious crying and I hear her bang on the door. Should I let her in? I couldn't think straight and I continues to cry, "Help me...I feel like the walls are caving in on me, Y/N. I feel like I should just give up now."
          She then unlocks the door using something and rapidly comes to my side, giving me a hug. "I feel like I am just crawling in my skin..." I mumble once more and she hugs me tighter.
          "Shh...I am here to help you Shawn," Y/N whispers gently into my ear calming me down. 
          "I really feel like I should give up now."
          "You can't Shawn."
          "Because it isn't in your blood. You are much stronger than that." Y/N smiles and gives me one final hug. I smile weakly, 
          "It isn't in my blood. "


I'm singing along 