
@Rebeccarocks hey hey hey


@Get_Outta_My_Head I'll not miss you the least out of everyone too! Thank you for the wonderful message! Thank YOU for being my friend after seeing how annoying I could be, and seeing how loud I can be too. Have a nice summer vacation too, and yeah, maybe we can get together sometimes.
          Bond, Angie, Bond
          (P.S. Are you really giving me my Beautiful Liam? Oh! And see for yourself if you think Logan is hot, type Logan Lerman in Google Images. Bye!)


I'll not miss you the least out of everyone :P See what i did there Angie Bond? :) Thanks for being there for me all the time this whole school year! You helped me with boy trouble, walked home with me... And omg you would still be my friend even when I changed your home screen wallpaper with a pic of me and spammed you with photos in camera roll :P YOLO. And when I tried to create a 1D fanfic on your account that was "inappropriate"... and even when i would text you in the middle of the night :) Your cousin Logan is hilarious!!! *wink wink* Is he a CG? Anyways, miss ya bestie! Maybe we can work on the summer packets together and hang out with the girls sometime! :) 
          Sending you a life-size paper Liam,