
Hello, everyone! Chapter 35 "The Kisses of Kelly" is now up.
          	Enjoy! I hope you have a wonderful week.


Happy Tuesday! I forgot to hop on yesterday to announce Chapter 34 "Look at us. Here we are" is now up.
          I'm on the home stretch of this story - sooooo close to the finish. I'm a little sad to end it, to be honest, but at least it's not an actual good-bye to the characters since we will still see them in the other books in the series.


Chapter 28 "The magical powers of Sour Apple Pucker" is now up.
          I wish I could post more reguarly, but it's harder to find the time with my kids home for summer vacation. These characters are swirling around my brain constantly, though. I have notes upon notes for the upcoming books for the other Anderson siblings, too. These characters talk to me a lot, and I need to get my thoughts on paper before I forget what they're telling me.
          I see a little bump in activity with people reading the first book in the series, and it makes me happy to see people meeting Jensen and Teddy. I hope you all stick around to meet Sutton and Kelly....and the remaining crew as I gradually get their stories told too.