this message may be offensive
Okay so. I need to get something out of my chest. And it needs to happen now. Because I'm just frustrated. So I am being homeschooled at the moment through online classes and it's 50 bucks a month. Not that bad. But the thing is, my aunt said she would handle it and she has been for a couple months. But recently, she hasn't been able to pay for it and that's fine. I get it. But the things about that is that she didn't tell me so one day, I logged on and I couldn't access any of my courses. So I waited a few days to see if she knew and would fix that, but no. It hasn't been fixed. And you wanna know what happened? Absolutely nothing!!!! I am freaking out inside because I can't get my work done and it feels like she doesn't even give a shit! She has always treated me less than her children bencause I wasn't her kid, but are you kidding me??? This is bullshit. So their education is more important than mine right? They're going somewhere whilst I'm going nowhere because I don't obsess about school like her kids do. Like she taught them to do. Because school is so important that you need to half kill yourselves doing. Because they have straight A's they're automatically smarter than me in every single possible way. Fuck her and fuck this. All of this is fucking bullshit! And it's not like I can go back to public school either because I have to take a test proving I learned everything up until the point I'm at rn. And I can't do that because I'm behind. And I'm behind because I had to start all over again when I went to online schooling. This isn't fair at all. And I hate everything about this situation. I don't like going to school, but that doesn't mean I hate it either. Ugh. I'm bitter rn and I've been trying to stay positive, but it's hard to do that when there is always something or someone pushing my buttons. Anyways, sorry for the rant. I just can't hold it in anymore.