
Hey Y'all, 
          	Did you guys know you have to pay for microsoft now? My subscription has run out and I cant write anything or access what i have already written until i can buy a new one. Sucky I know but nothing I can do until I get payed. 
          	Love y'all 
          	~ Tory


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Hey Y'all. havent got any internet at the moment because fuck telstra. I only got my phone internet but i cant do much with that, as soon as i get it on sunday i will upload and im so sorry for the long wait! Bare with me guys! Love Y'all 


Hey y'all ! Thanks so much for all the support. We have almost reach 100 veiws! Yay! Please share the live by showing your friends so we can all enjoy the journey together! The more readers i have the more frequent my updates will become. SHARE THE LOVE GUYS!