Just a quick note to anyone that cares. The works I post here are going to be first-draft for the most part, and there will be a lot of 'incomplete' stories.
First drafts are full of spelling/punctuation/grammar/structure errors (and there seems to be some inconsistency as to whether or not Wattpad can detect indents when I past material in). I assure you that when I publish a book, it is as free of such problems as I can make it. Now that I have a full-time editor, there should be no errors in published works.
Incomplete stories are either ones I'm still working on, or have finished but have only uploaded a few chapters. If you wish to read more of a story, just ask me for more. If there's more already written, I'll post it up.
In the meantime, I'm in the final editing stages of an Adult Fiction novel (87,000 words), and the instant I'm done with that, I have a 135,000 word Crime Fiction novel (hockey enforcer works for a Romanian mobster) to edit and publish. Then two more science fiction novels (one of them, Diabolus, has a couple of chapters posted here).
Then...well, I have probably 10-20 other stories that are in various stages of completion that I want to get done.
Thanks for reading!