

Wow, uh hi there! I've been reading your awesome fic for like two and a half, maybe three years now? (I'm super bad with time, Keith could come back from the quantum abyss and i'd be like, yay your back after like being gone for four months! and Pidge would be like: ITS ONLY BEEN TWO YOU DUMMY!! anyways...)I finally got a Wattpad account! and i just wanted to say I love your story a lot, like so freakin much, because its saved my life. I know it sounds stupid but reading about the trauma your characters endured and survived encourages me to keep going. Their pain reminds me im not alone and the manipulation and abuse Y/N has gone through at James' hands is so relatable. When i read shadows of the past pt1 i cried a lot because those flashbacks with James were nearly identical to experiences id had and Keith's words of comfort were what i wish someone would have told me earlier. Thank you so much for writing this story and creating characters like Keith, Y/N, and even James from the alternate reality. I hope wherever you are you're having a great time. Have a good day/ night and don't forget to eat, drink, get enough sleep and take care of yourself!


Hi! I'm a big fan of your story His Rival


Yay I got it! That was another one of my favorites to write. So what are your thoughts on James? What do you think is going to happen with him when they return back to the garrison? Is there any chance of reformation with him?


@Creativelove01 Thank you for telling me! I kinda got a hunch that my latest chapter would be a favorite after the amount of fluff in it surpassed anything else I've written so far. Which confrontation scene tho? I've written quite a few... is it the one where (Y/n) stands up for Keith after the team rejects him?