
Hi readers, please do dive into this story.
          	It's a good read 


Hey everyone, I wanted to share something exciting with you! I've been writing a book (under a different account), and it's been an incredible feeling to see it come together. Updating my work and seeing progress is giving me a huge sense of accomplishment. I'm committed to finishing all of my books soon, and I would love your support and encouragement along the way. Please consider checking out my other book. 


Hey guys.....I know it's been a long time
           I'm so sorry I wasn't able to follow through on my promise to finish "The Braylon". I feel awful about it and I understand if you're upset. I know it's no excuse, but I got caught up. It's not that good and lost track of time. I really appreciate your patience and understanding, and I hope you can forgive me. I promise I'll make it up to you as soon as I can.
          I want to start up my first series and this is it..
          I will finish this book and along the way, will get back to the Braylons.
          It's a promise.


@Ani_FictionalCreator Glad to have you back❤️


@Ani_FictionalCreator Thank you so much guys for your support ❤️❤️


@Ani_FictionalCreator I'm so glad you're back <3 I do miss the Braylons a lot but it's okay! Take your time <3


Hi guys
          I am back!!!
          I apologise for leaving for so long
          Firstly, I got writer's block which happens often. I really need to overcome it, any ideas will be appreciated.
          Secondly, my job doesn't gives me time to update. 
          Lastly, I will update soon and I apologise once again
          Thanks for your patience.


Welcome back...... I so much love Talon and Chloe 


Hey! I hope youre having a wonderful day. I'm writing this story and I'd love your feedback on it if you could vote for the chapters that would be the icing by on my cake! I'm trying to reach 230 reads and 60 votes so if you could share it that would be splendid as well. I'll shower your book with love regardless of your answer. Have a wonderful rest of the day! ❤️


Hello Loves
          How are you all??
          Life is hard especially When you grow up, you get busy and don't even have time to do other things anymore. Responsibility gets attached. Maturity is brought upon.
          Who can relate??


@theblondewhowrites I am stressed out, dear but will be fine
            Thanks for replying
            Being a medical student is stressful and I don't think I can ever go through that stress. You are smart, ma. Lol.
            Pharmacy ain't easy and it's quite stressful. Don't compromise your health, dear. I hope you take care of yourself


I’m doing okay. Finished my second exam of the year on Monday, so now I only have 3 left, before summer vacation.
            Life is hard indeed! Especially as a pharmacy student, haha.
            How about you? How are you doing? <3


I wanna thank everyone of you that wished me a happy birthday. You're all amazing!!!
          I love you so much, guys


Happy late birthday! <3 