Luke imagine: Winterday <3
It was a beautiful and coazy morning, Y/N wokes up and looks to his beautiful boyfriend Luke. He looks like an angel when he sleeps, I still can not believe that I'm the girl he falls in love with*~*!. I've been waiting for so long until he wokes finally up. ,,Good morning honey" I said to him ,,Good morning Beautiful" he said, and i gave him a sweet kiss. I'll go to the kitchen,to make a delicious breakfast for us with two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it*~*. Luke walked into the kitchen,, Hmm what smells so yummy?", ,, It's hot chocolate,what smells so delicious hun". Luke hugged me and kissed me again, and said to me how beautiful I am, and that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.
The whole night ended up with sweet slow sex.
Hope you enjoyed it sweethearts <3