
new update!! check the new chapter of "By my sister's wishes", and don't forget to join our facebook group " AnilNina Books"


Thanks for the follow - I hope you enjoy :D
          Swimming the Same Deep Waters


You're welcome!! VA is my favorite book serie, and now that it is over, fanfictions like yours are a great way to continue living in the VA world :-)


So, you know how some wattpad authors have twitter or Instagram to post sneak peek, answer question and even give spoilers??
          Well i decided i should probably link wattpad with : facebook!
          So i created...wait for it.... A Facebook group!! 
          I thought you should have the chance to talk with each other about different books, discuss theories or ask me question if you don't understand something, and i will post sneak peeks, unswer your questions and see what your theories are ;-) 
          So, if you like the idea, the group is called:      AnilNina Books
          P.s: i will start posting when i at least have 10 members.
          See you later


Happy 1st of November to all of my Algerian followers!!! (The memory of the beginning of the Algerian war of liberation) 
          Joyeux 1er novembre pour tous mes abonnés Algériens!! (Le début de la guerre de la libération Algérienne)


Pour tous mes abonnés qui parle le français, j'ai décidé d'écrire un livre en français, il s'appelle "l'histoire d'un meurtre". Si quelqu'un veut la traduire au englais, dm moi.
          To all mh french followers, i decided to write a book in french, it is called "l'histoire d'un meurtre" aka : the tale of a murder, if anyone wishes to translate it to english, dm me.


So you may have noticed that my first book "planet X" is deleted, well that is because this is a story i wanted to write ages ago, and it is really important to me, but i hit a writer's block, and i need time before i get back to writing it. Thank you for your support, i really appreciate it.


Tu es bilingue :0 qu'elle chance, si tu arrives bien à lire en français je te propose de lire le roman que j'écris The master's game, j'espère que tu voudras aller le voir, j'attend de tes nouvelles, bisou 


@AnilNina Waw c'est impressionnant ahah j'espère qu'il te plaira 


Merci pour votre msg :-) je suis en faite trilingue XD je parle le français et l'anglais, et ma langue maternelle c'est l'arabe :-) je vais commencer à lire ton roman car vraiment j'ai hâte à savoir c'est quoi l'histoire :-p à bientot ;-)


Hey everyone!! Check out the new chapters of "the originals-future-" , i changed the actress of Hope Mikaelson to Chloe Grace Moretz, and changed the first chapter, it felt cold before so i added what hope felt at the time! Go check it out!!
          Also, i will post once or twice a month for now (on a friday) so please be patient, and hopefully soon i will post more frequently.