Hello Everyone, I have enjoyed being here and loved sharing my stories with all of you and also reading your wonderful stories but I am afraid I am leaving Wattpad temporarily...
I have discovered a project that I want to develop as it is extremely close to my heart and have loved the topic for years. For the time being, I can't reveal what it is due to the amount of planning going on.
I was almost half way of writing another story called The Secrets and Wonders of Alton Towers 2: Dark Little Secrets. This has now been put on hold. For more info, please read the last chapter of the book.
I am not going for good. The project itself will take a long time and will be very tough to crack so I will be returning to Wattpad and continuing the story in 2016 though I am unsure of what month.
If you have any questions for me, don't be shy! Post them on my page or send them to me! I will be logging out of the account on Friday and won't log back in til the project is all done so next year.
I will miss you all but in the words of my fav game Animal Crossing: New Leaf...
It's time I turned over a new leaf!
Keep Writing!