Hey, all! Hope all my fellow Americans had a happy Thanksgiving (and I hope everyone else had a fantastic Thursday)! To those of you doing NaNo, congrats if you've already won, and if not, keep pushing! I have 15,000 words left, and I can't wait to edit this one and share it with you guys. Of course, I plan on finishing Queen of Heart first, as well as starting back up on the MLB series!
Speaking of MLB, I've been entering it in contests again, so it would be awesome if you would all check out the reading list entitiled "Contests Currently Running" and vote for my entries if it's allowed, depending on the contest, of course. Feel free to enter your own stories, too! :)
Anyways, this was just a message to give you all a bit of an update, and to show you that I'm still alive and was not, in fact, eaten by my NaNoWriMo project. Hope you can all say the same! As always, feel free to reach out on here or Twitter (@MyLifeBefore). Hope to hear from you soon!
Much love,