
I was reading a book--Turtles All the Way Down by John Green-- And while I found it interesting to read something which accurately explained my anxiety--ridden brain, I kept thinking, 'if I have similar anxieties, why don't I struggle as badly as the character does?'. Then it hit me. Jesus. I don't struggle like that because I have the confidence in Jesus that the character didn't. That is a great help for all of us hypochondriacs and germaphobes out there. 
          	To many things that the character thought, I would internally reply, you need Jesus, or it would be easier, less abstract with the confidence in Jesus. 
          	While I still highly recommend this book, mainly for it's highly intimate and accurate view into the mind of a person with an anxiety disorder, I found that supremely interesting. 


          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does love mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. It explores baring your  soul to someone in hopes that it would lead to true love.
          I'll be posting chapters every Fridays so you'll always have something to look forward to.✨
          I hope you join me on this journey.
          Warning! You might just fall in love!❤️




Thanks for the follow! 


@JulieMullen7 That's a fair point, though I do have some battle scars. But it's definitely worth it. 


@Animalzrock :D That you've survived to tell the tale tells me that your cats appreciate more than you think. Animal costumed are fun! 


@JulieMullen7 Bags, skirts, quilts, animal costumes (which, for some reason, my cats don't seen to properly appreciate). Most anything I can think of. 


Dorothy you gotta check out this
          Feel free to follow for more updates ☑️


@Animalzrock  you won't regret it i hope you don't forget to read it❤️


@Ideal_writer That books looks AMAZING! I can't wait to read it 


I don't understand why all of these people are coming at you. I mean I personally don't agree with LGBTQ+ because it technically says you're not allowed to be it, in the bible. Though I still do support any of my friends and family who become a part of the community. I mean I do too love absolutely everybody so if someone were to tell me "Ooo I came out today!" I'd say "Congrats!" Just because I love them and don't want them to feel hurt. 
          But it just sucks to see that so so so many people are being so so so rude to you when you're showing them so much kindness. Also sorry if this post seems like I'm completely disagreeing with you lol. I am definitely agreeing with you. LGBTQ+ Is a sin though I do support my friends and family who are in the community basically.
          But God bless you and your family and friends. I definitely will be praying for you and all of the people who are coming at you. Have a blessed day <3 


@Animalzrock Exactly! And awww thanks! :D 


@-butterflybabyy I agree. If people around me came out, I wouldn’t give them anything but love. But I simply wouldn’t agree that it is right. You make me feel so much better! (Ps, I’ve been enjoying your stories.) 


i’m trans and in the lgbtq community tf you gonna do about it


@Animalzrock You get my follow for being this kind ^^


you can’t be transphobic and homophobic and then say you “lOvE eVeRyOnE” 


no one is insulting you, you are the one who is offending and hurting people right now. this start with your first sentence, it’s a total lie. it your bio you say and i quote “FYI, i do not support transgender or LGBTQ people-“ and then you go on to say “i love everyone” and all that stuff. so yes it’s a lie. its not a matter of not liking it, you are being rude and offensive by saying that because what reason is there to say “i don’t support you because you were born how you are and you are doing a sin” i don’t care if you love me, you hate a part of what makes me, me. you also should not be able to chose what is and isn’t offensive/transphobic/homophobic, are a cishet person. i, a person who is both within the transgender community and is not straight, is telling you it’s offensive. there is a lot wrong with saying being gay is a sin. i don’t want jesus’ love if you doesn’t accept me like you. its not just personal offense, you’re saying things that are offensive. yes thing we’re directed towards me meanly considering who i am and what you said about the community i’m in. it is homophobic and offensive to say being gay is wrong and that’s the matter of the fact. you are hurting me in many ways so i have a right to say you are saying homophobic things. i also never insulted you nor called you homophobic.


@-sydthesloth- Nothing on my profile is pointed towards anybody. It's simply allowing everyone to know what is on this account. If you don't like it, you are not entitled to be here. I accept and love everybody, just as Jesus did, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them. There is nothing wrong with saying that being gay is a sin. I believe that regardless of whether you are an atheist or a Buddhist or a Christian. I believe that it's a sin. But Jesus loves all sinners--because we're all sinners. If you take personal offence to things that are said here, then nothing is forcing you to stay. Nothing was directed towards you meanly. And if things are, then I will adress it in the light of Jesus. I simply stated what I believed. If you don't agree, then so be it. You think you have as much right to saying being gay is right as I do yo saying it's wrong. I believe it's wrong. You believe it is right. Why do you put so much value to my opinion? Simply live your life, and allow me to live mine. I'm not hurting you in any way, and yet you are here on my account telling me I'm homophobic and wrong and insulting. 
            But that's your opinion, and you have a right to it, so I have no interest in squelching it. 
            God bless you ❤️❤️


@Animalzrock no you don’t lOvE eVeRyOnE bc guess what being apart of the lgbtqiap+ community isn’t a belief nor a choice as someone apart of the community i find it almost insulting that you thing it’s a belief to treat people and accept them like normal people. i respect people’s beliefs but not the ones that actively hurt others. you quite literally have in your profile that you don’t accept people within the lgbtqiap+ community and i don’t care if you “hate the sin love the sinner” because that’s still saying that something is wrong with being gay when nothing is. i am personally an atheist so there is nothing between me and jesus to me.


i’m a sinner.


@-sydthesloth- I’m sorry that you feel that I have insulted you and the rest of the LBTQ+ community. It wasn’t meant that way. But I refuse to apologize for praying for you or stating that I don’t support that belief. I believe it is wrong. But I don’t believe that you are bad. I also apologize for claiming that you insulted me. I realize now that it was another user and that I mixed the messages up. I sincerely apologize for that. But I do not take back anything else, nor will I remove the sentence from my profile. I don’t believe that it is insulting. There are ways to not support people—or agree with them—but to love them and respect them anyways. I will continue praying for you and your place with Jesus, because I believe that He is the answer to anything and everything. The same way that I will never stray from other things the Bible states as truth.  Everything is made with a purpose, including you, and God’s timing regarding anything is never off. To quote a popular Christian song, He is never early, never late. I don’t have all the answers to what you’ve said, but I will continue praying and meditating on that. If I am convicted of anything being mean spirited or insulting on my profile, then I will remove and repent of these things, as Jesus would. But until then, it stays. I hope you know that I respect the rights and words of the LBGT+ community, but simply don’t agree with the beliefs that they follow. But I wish you all the best in life. 
            God bless you ❤️❤️ 


@Animalzrock no offense but jesus being able to change anything really doesn’t have a connection to being the way you are. there are studies of people being born gay, bi, etc and i know they studies probably mean nothing to you but still. but going by the logic of your first sentence jesus can turn you gay? but that also isn’t your choice, it’s jesus’. i have not attacked nor bullied you, if i was i would be a lot meaner. your opinions are invalid when they hurt people, which yours are. you disagree with me being me which is offensive and hurtful,.  my account isn’t offensive, if it was i wouldn’t be surprised if people came on it to tell me im hurtful and offensive. yes of course everyone has the agree and disagree but it becomes invalid when you hurt and offend people.  when exactly did he even say being gay is a sin? and it doesn’t change the fact that it’s hurtful, offensive, and wrong to say that. i will not respect your beliefs which are hurtful and offensive (the anti lgbtiqap+ ones). i don’t want god to love me if he doesn’t support me.  why pray for me to come to jesus when i don’t want to? 


@-sydthesloth- The Bible says that all things are possible through Christ (Phillipians 4:13). If you believe that Jesus can do anything, than He can change anything in your life or being. That's why I believe it's a choice. 
            And as of now, you are attacking and bullying me and others like me by coming onto my page and posting things about my opinions. I simply said that I don't agree with you, but accept you. I have done nothing to disrespect or disregard your beliefs. I didn't come onto your account or others like it. I said something on my personal account which I personally believe. If you have a right to say that you agree or disagree with things, then I expect you to allow me the same right. On this profile, Jesus is the center, along with His word. I follow what He says. He said that being homosexual was a sin, and so I believe it. I follow Jesus and His word. It was your choice to come here onto my account, and I demand the same respect to my beliefs as you do for yours. 
            God loves you either way, but that doesn't mean He's always pleased with you're decisions. He wasn't pleased with Jonah when he went astray. But He never ceased loving Him. I pray that you'll come to Jesus, but it is out of my control. All I can do is treat you with love and respect. 
            God bless you ❤️❤️


I was reading a book--Turtles All the Way Down by John Green-- And while I found it interesting to read something which accurately explained my anxiety--ridden brain, I kept thinking, 'if I have similar anxieties, why don't I struggle as badly as the character does?'. Then it hit me. Jesus. I don't struggle like that because I have the confidence in Jesus that the character didn't. That is a great help for all of us hypochondriacs and germaphobes out there. 
          To many things that the character thought, I would internally reply, you need Jesus, or it would be easier, less abstract with the confidence in Jesus. 
          While I still highly recommend this book, mainly for it's highly intimate and accurate view into the mind of a person with an anxiety disorder, I found that supremely interesting. 