
I say this for sure this time... once my school is finished (at the end of the week) I'll be sure to update weekly. I'll probably interact here and on my discord more, too so I thank you guys for your patience. I really am grateful and will do my best to give back your guys' support with the best quality updates I can muster up!


@AnimeChildeX3 thanks for the update :) so um does that mean you'll update the shattered rose glassi by Friday? Im exited either way I love the story


Heyyy girl, I just finished reading Glass Girl, and your writing is A.MA.ZING and can you pleeeeeeeaaaaase update this fanfic, ik it must be hard (school is bleh), but I want moreeeee of Killua x Reader cause he's actually my first and best Anime crush  and I was so happy cause this fanfic depicts perfectly how I imagined Killu's personality. Sorry for this reaaaally long comment but I hope it prods you out of your year-long hiatus and gets you to update again!!! XO Vlada, your devotes fan and reader