
Ohayō gozaimasu Otaku!
          	The creator of this awesome Anime Club,  @MichaelLimjoco, is the Wattys finalist in Scifi/Fantasy (On The Rise) 
          	Kuro: A Land in Eternal Night needs your support! So Otaku, it's time to support our fellow Otaku. 
          	You can read Kuro: A Land in Eternal Night here -
          	And you can VOTE for Kuro here -
          	How to Vote? 
          	1. Go to
          	2. Click 'Scifi/Fantasy' under 'The Best in Original Fiction'
          	3. You'll find 'Kuro: A Land in Eternal Night' under the 'On The Rise' list
          	4. Below that you'll find 'On the Rise: SciFi/Fantasy' and just click on KURO and VOTE!!!
          	Please support  @MichaelLimjoco! And share this with your followers!
          	Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita! =]
          	- The Anime Club Team


@Sejuru @StupidAuthor_HanaSei @HardeeBurger Thank you so much! Yes, the Flower Crowns are my good luck charm - I'll need every bit of luck I can get! :)


Hello. I am writing a One Piece fanfiction called Devil's Grin and would much appreciate it if anyone interested took a look at it. The first few chapters aren't the best but their is obvious improvement. If I could get some constructive criticism it would help me immensely.  Thank you.