this message may be offensive
I hope everyone sees it, remember, do not kill yourself or kill yourself, always trust in God no matter how difficult it is, even if your body or mind tells you no, NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE, PLEASE NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS, DON'T DO IT. OR ELSE THE PUNISHMENT OR PAIN WILL BE EVEN WORSE, PLEASE NEVER TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE AND THAT OF ANYONE ELSE UNLESS IT IS SELF-DEFENSE IF YOU ARE IN DANGER, do not harm anyone physically or mentally unless it is self-defense if you are in danger, never take your life and do not harm anyone, whether for revenge or pleasure, please never do it, much less to the innocent and children.
For stupidity, I deleted what I had to write, so I took a screenshot if I wrote it. I hope everyone sees it. Remember, don't kill yourself or kill yourself. Trust God always, no matter how difficult it is, even if your body or mind. tell you no, PLEASE NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE, NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS, DON'T DO IT OR ELSE THE PUNISHMENT OR THE PAIN WILL BE EVEN WORSE, PLEASE NEVER TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE AND ANYONE ELSE'S LIVE, UNLESS IT IS SELF-DEFENSE YES YOU ARE IN DANGER, do not harm anyone essentially or mentally unless it is self-defense if you are in danger, never take your own life and do not harm anyone whether for revenge or pleasure, please never do it and much less to the innocent and children. .
God bless you always.
It's just in case.