Name: Anime Beatz [Kimberly]
Birthday: January 25
Location: Virginia [From Florida]

My Favorite Wattpad Author

I joined Wattpad on February 1st, 2020, marking a new chapter in my writing journey that began a decade earlier, in January 2009. From the very first story I penned, I was captivated by the power of words and the myriad of worlds they could create. Each narrative I crafted became a piece of my heart, yet the journey hasn't always been easy. While I haven't looked back since stepping onto the Wattpad platform, I constantly strive to hone my skills and breathe life into my stories. The supportive community has been a source of motivation, pushing me to explore new genres and themes while also reminding me of the beauty in storytelling. As I navigate this ever-evolving landscape of creativity, I remain committed to refining my voice, embracing challenges, and sharing my tales with readers who inspire me to keep writing.
  • JoinedJanuary 6, 2025


Story by Anime Beatz
The Gamer Girl's Quest by Anime_Beatzx
The Gamer Girl's Quest
Step into the immersive world of Anime Beatz, a fiercely independent gamer girl who thrives in the digital re...