
I was gonna post an updated face reveal but I got grounded


Is u still here


@hangesballsfromwish  wheres the update to the bonded sequal book..hahahahahs


Would you guys like an updated face reveal? 


@Anime_Fanfics11 tbh you're probably really pretty but it's probably better not to show stranger in the internet your true face...




@Anime_Fanfics11 sure,I'm confident you'll look amazing (^^)d


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My birthday is on Tuesday and I’m not even excited. I’m not celebrating Valentine’s Day either tho I am a huge simp for mushy shit but my boyfriend doesn’t wanna celebrate it and I’m okay with that. The new school is ass the teachers are terrible and the students are iffy. I really can’t win in this life tbh 
          How have you guys been


Aww I’m sorry that’s happening to u I promise life is gonna get worse before it gets better and at least try to have fun on ur birthday even if it’s by yourself 


hey guys!
          Im currently doing some story planning and Im live on Instagram so if you wanna join just for a little to interact with me, maybe ask questions, get to know me and about the book I'm writing then feel free to join

          cant wait to see you there


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Guys let me go on a little rant
          I think I have a crush on my best friend. She’s been through everything with me, she knows a lot, we do a lot together as friends. We’ve slept in the same bed, shared foods and drinks. 
          I don’t know if it’s a crush though bc I just got out of a relationship but it’s like I’ve always felt my connection to her was different. Maybe me being out of the relationship amped my feelings for her but idk what to do. She obviously doesn’t like me and she likes a boy and idk what to do.
          I can be myself around her and my heart flutters whenever we talk but she hurts my. Feelings sometimes and I can’t help but forgive her. Last night she slept over and we shared a bed and I kept cuddling up to her. I just wanted to be close to her, to feel her body against mine, she took her shirt off in front of me and my mind went blank.
          I’ve imagined us making out, doing romantic shit and idk what to do bc I don’t wanna ruin my friendship with her and I know she doesn’t like me but now Everytime I close my eyes it’s her. It’s always her
          It’s always been her
          What do I do bro 


@Anime_Fanfics11 AND NOW THATS YOU PROBLEM but like you should give her signs that you like her ya know and maybe ask another friend of yours to ask her on what do you feel about your bestfriend or something ya know just to see what her feelings are to you bro