
Yep..that's right folks, I'm writing two books now.." SAY HELLO TO MY NEW GODZILLA AND ATTACK ON TITAN CROSSOVER!! Yeah I felt like doing it after I watched the new Godzilla 2014 movie, but I could never seem to get around to it till now. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it!


@Anime_Ghost_Rider i was wondering if you are going to finish your ghost rider story 


@Anime_Ghost_Rider sooo...just wondering when is the next chapter for the Ghostrider x Blue Exorcist?


Dude it's been at least 3 years since he has updated any of his stories he has obviously given up all together.


What Happened? Why Leave a Cliff Hanger? I'm a huge fan of Ghost Rider and Blue Exorcist, so I accidentally came across this fanfic and was immediately hooked just by the title  Ghost Rider Exorcist. I want story continue but no updates made me sad...


this message may be offensive
Been awhile reread the ghost rider stories or what's left of them, there fucking awesome the way you write it's like... You bring life by writing words.. there's no other writing like it
          "Who ever you are where ever you are, I hope you are doing well and if you aren't well hope these words can help in your times of need,
          Or if your gone and sadly we your fans didn't hear about it and u don't see this, Rest easy my friend you've done great things on this app, and hopefully there will be others who will continue on writing wonderful and life meaning stories. and to those who are reading this in the past or future carry one with you lives all we can do is hope that the "author" didn't pass on maybe he/she move on with life who knows 
          Damn I typed a lot ,shiii making me emotional and shiii, welp time to go
          "See ya"


When are you going to update your ghost rider book 2


@death25576 i don't wanna be rude here, but i think it will never happen