
So sorry! I know I haven't been writing but school was just such a pain but YAY it's summer now! That means I have more free time! Im gonna update Love Struck so yay!


Okay I don't have a lot of time cuz I'm on an iPod and it's low charge but, I'm probably gonna come back tomorrow which for me is Tuesday. I know 3 day break but do t judge me! Also I've been really addicted to this anime Marai Nikki I think it is correct me if I'm wrong but I do suggest it. Okay bye guys!


Hey I'm taking a break... I know I just got back not too long ago but lately I've been feeling really depressed and just not into writing. I'll try not to be gone for awhile because I know I've just started getting back. So stay tuned guys


Also thanks for the two new followers :)


Hello!!! So first off thanks @beingonlyhuman for following were at 10 now I know it's not a lot but I'm getting there. Second I hope your liking Love Struck! Don't worry it gets better were only at chapter 3. If u have any suggestions don't be afraid to share! If your new please follow I try to update my book as soon as I can sister tuned!


Hello! So I started a new story and got the first chapter out! Btw the cover is how I imagine the main character and the picture for first chapter is how I imagine Kendall (black hair) and Maya (brownish hair) but that's how I imagine them you can imagine them differently 


Hope you like the new story!


Also!! Thanks for 9 followers *in back ground* "you suck!" THANKS PERSON XD but in all seriousness thank you I know it's not much and idk why u followed for because I haven't been on for *insert fall out boy* CENTURIES!!! But goodbye my followers! If your still here whateva