
Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering what kinda stuff I should write, but I only do it with anime characters, like mha or demon slayer, and also suicide boy (ifykyk) like maybe reader x _____ or ships (those are the only things I could think of rn) but yeah lemme know


@rainbow_elf_boy ok, I'll start working on it, thx <3


@Anime_simp270 also sorry I take so long to respond, I'm just always worried that if I say something it might come out as weird or mean so I always quadruple check what I just wrote which takes a while T^T


@Anime_simp270 you could always do both, but just know that if you write ship one-shots people might not respect your ship (  but don't let theyre comments get to you if you do write a one-shot because its your opinion )


Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering what kinda stuff I should write, but I only do it with anime characters, like mha or demon slayer, and also suicide boy (ifykyk) like maybe reader x _____ or ships (those are the only things I could think of rn) but yeah lemme know


@rainbow_elf_boy ok, I'll start working on it, thx <3


@Anime_simp270 also sorry I take so long to respond, I'm just always worried that if I say something it might come out as weird or mean so I always quadruple check what I just wrote which takes a while T^T


@Anime_simp270 you could always do both, but just know that if you write ship one-shots people might not respect your ship (  but don't let theyre comments get to you if you do write a one-shot because its your opinion )