Hello! It's been a while since I stumbled upon this account. The last time I visited this profile was 3 years ago and it was because of the sakura book you wrote and I just want to say that I liked the book so much, to the point I when you announced that you'll need to be in the military, I must say that I was quiet disappointed but I understand at the same time because it is for your country.
3 years have passed and I'm still waiting for your updates but perhaps you got busy with your own life or career out from this app and if that's really the reason then I am happy for you, although that won't stop me from waiting. But still, I won't let my hopes up considering that maybe this account have been abandoned.
Lastly, I want to say thank you for writting a fanfiction of Sakura and I hope you're still alive and well living your life to the fullest.