
Nothing on Haitus anymore. I'm gonna start updating again so be prepared for more horrendous chapters!


Luna Era chapter is short and I mean SHORT. But its something. I hope that you guys can all just try to understand I deeply appreciate it. Luna Era will be updated on the day that it is due so look forward to that worst case scenario I'll forget to update it that day and probably do it the next.


Luna Era chapter is short and I mean SHORT But its something. I hope that you guys can all just try to understand I deeply appreciate it. Luna Era will be updated on the day that it is due so look forward to that worst case scenario I'll forget to update it that day and probably do it the next.


Gonmennasia!! (I'm Sorry) I got my laptop back for those of you who didn't know it was broken and I finally got it back. And I've really been unmotivated these past few weeks and I'm honestly really sorry about that. Writers block is such a curse....
          Anyway I hope that you all can just cope with me and try to understand my position..


HOLY CRAP WE BROKE 300 READS! I'm so happy right now thank you all so much. It's a huge accomplishment to me, I wasn't going to update this today obvi since it's not Saturday but since we got to 301 reads I'll update it. I was trying to restrain updating this chapter until people commented on my choice book because the first question really does affect the book in a lot of ways so please do check that out. Anyway thank you all so much!!!


Okay so scratch what i said....*Nervously laughs* I forgot that chapter isn't done yet...but you'll be getting a chapter tomorrow anyway! My Secret guys!! But I still thank everyone who helped contribute to my goal of 300 lets try and get to 350 reads and 45 votes!! I believe in you guys!! :D