Soooooo Minecraft has books on how to beat the game properly, so, I’m going to say a question in the book. Ok, so you spawn into your new world, what do you do first? A: Gather wood B: Gather wood C: Gather wood D: All of the above I’ll tell the answer in PM’s cuz I want y’all to try.

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@Animuspine NOOOOO!!!!!! You always collect wood first so you can build a house to stay the night in. Or make torches and go to a hollowed out cave and become a bat like always do, than you make a pillar and jump off, but before you die you use one of the flying thingys to fly through the air. Than you stop gliding a land in water, but if you have certain mods(Like me)you die from a croc or a sharky. Problem. SOLVVEEEEDDDD!!!

It’s actually none, get dirt then pillar up then jump off. XD *dies from laughter*