
@Team_Breezy12 yh I hope so im just scared I'm going to break something! And yh I miss you guys too I was saying to Shume that we should try and meet up in the February holidays - when do you break up by the way? Valentines day is my last day for this half term lol! And tell everyone I said hi and that I miss them all!


@Team_Breezy12 yh I hope so im just scared I'm going to break something! And yh I miss you guys too I was saying to Shume that we should try and meet up in the February holidays - when do you break up by the way? Valentines day is my last day for this half term lol! And tell everyone I said hi and that I miss them all!


@Team_Breezy12 well I hope not! And why what's up with college? I don't think its too bad how are your lessons going? We had mocks last month and I've my chemistry practical on Monday. I miss you guys too! How is everyone? And yh that is my number if you're gonna call me text me first so I know its you otherwise I won't pick up cos I don't pick up random numbers.