
Hello all, just wanted to update. 
          	Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who wished me better health! It truly means so much to me! I’ve gotten more support from you than the physical people around me. 
          	Secondly, my eyes are better and all cleared up. Turns out my pupils were turning inside out making me go blind. I almost caught it to late. But fear not, I can see again. 
          	Thirdly, I have Covid again… I got Covid this same exact time last year and was wrecked. Covid destroyed my immunity and ability to make white blood cells so I was sick for three months straight. It sucks but I’m managing far better than I did last year. 
          	My 8 month old baby got Covid first and he’s not doing to well. He’s absolutely miserable and has Covid rashes all over his tiny body and goop that makes his eyes stick shut. I hate that I can’t take his sickness for myself and all I can do is hold him and try to make him as comfortable as possible. 
          	Lastly, with all that said, I will be taking more time off from writing. I cannot concentrate on writing when I’m this worried about my baby. And honestly, it’s difficult to write with a very busy almost 3 year old. I truly appreciate the warm wishes from every one of you. Covid is kicking my butt but I do try to write when my children are sleeping as that’s the only time I can concentrate long enough.
          	I do not know if I will be able to get back to writing immediately after we get healthy but I will truly try my best. I miss writing and sharing it with you all. I miss reading your comments and thoughts on the inner workings of my imaginary worlds. I hope to get back to writing and posting ASAP but I unfortunately have no idea when that may be. 
          	Once again, thank you so much to every one of you! I cannot express how thankful I am to have you all care enough to keep up with me. I wish you all an abundance of health, happiness, and wealth in all aspects of your lives! 


@Anissa_Eylene555 its been almost two years are you ok?


@Anissa_Eylene555 hope you and the family are doing better love. Thanks for sharing TNS... loving it 


@Anissa_Eylene555 I hope I you and your family are doing better.  I've had covid several times and covid destroyed my sister-in- laws immunity system as well so I understand what your going through except the dealing with very young children at the same time.  My children are grown and have children of their own.  I can wait. Your health and the babies will always come first. It is known. 


Hey. Long time fan here. Especially a huge Mathias fan!!!
          I've taken a lot of inspiration from your werewolf books and I started writing my first werewolf novel. The first 6 chapters are up.
          If you or any of our community would like to read it, I would be honored!
          It's called "Snowridge's Secret"


@eeoralis123 I followed you I'm just starting out I'm inspired by taking my current science fiction novel which is lgbt and adding a splash of paranormal activity idk the main character is a hard core atheist like me and I want to create drama