Hi luv! How are you doing today? I have a question for ya
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Hi luv! How are you doing today? I have a question for ya
still in love with your voice ❤️
I'll love you till the day i d word (you still mean the world to mean, sunshine)
Hi people! Is anyone still here?:(
I ✨ l o v e ✨ u
@AnitaTjr suffering with period besides that I'm alright, wbu? and yes me is too lazy to go to whatsapp but fanks for giving me your new number lovely
I don't know if you need this but I'm here for you, it's okay not to be okay, it's okay to cry. Be yourself no matter what anybody else says because you're amazing, and you're an amazing writer -Pip
Wow wattpad is dead
سلام چطوری؟ چندوقته نیستی دلمون تنگ شده برات :))))
No cause when my online friends are gone my abandonment issues appear again-
Legit no one's here but I still rant whenever I'm having a fucking breakdown as if it's gonna help~
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