
A few more poems have been added to the exorcism. "By the Name of Cowardice," was uploaded on Sunday, and "Monsters in the Dark" will be published tonight at 9 PM EST!


The 3 new poems in the Brain Exorcism collection have been published 
          An Ode to the Dead Centipede on My Floor
          There Are Mice in My House (not a metaphor)
          In the End/Old Hag
          These ones are pretty new. I went through a pretentious Sylvia Plath phase featuring a mild rhyming obession. Oopsie. Enjoy. 


Two new poems will be going into the Brain Exorcism collection tonight at 9 PM EST! These are less serious ones entitled "There Are Mice in my House (not a metaphor)" and "An Ode to the Dead Centipede on My Floor." Inspired by the vermin occupying this house that I rent that my bitchass landlord refuses to exterminate.


I lied.  There's actually a secret third one.


There's something so embarrassing about being back here after 11 years. Oddly nostalgic, but embarrassing.
          Anyways...I've been to college and I no longer post Twilight self insert fanfiction.
          Feel free to check out my new poetry "collection" called "Brain Excorcism (Poems)." The only poem in it is a little thing I whipped up called "Under-appreciated Natural Resource."