
Umbrella Academy!!!!  Yeah!!! Anyone else bendging the show? 


Taking... Forever.... To post my next chapter of The next Generation. If you've read my first Shadowhunters Fanfic book as it was being  published, you know i had a good rhythm for when i submitted each chapter. If i was late, i published another chapter soon after to make up for it. 
          Now its like once a month i publish a chapter. I want to change that. If any of you are going through a writers block as well, maybe we can work together to boost each other a little. Message me here if you would like to work something out!  


Finally published my 8th chapter to the "next generation: book two"  check it out and start reading if you want to. *wink*. If anyone has shadowhunter fanfic recomendations let me know in the comments. Also some bvb or mcr fanfic too.  Yes im a little emo. Lol. 


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Ok... writing slumps. I hate them. Their evil and almost impossible to get out of. And right now mine is killing me!. If any of you are having trouble with your writing too,  i think we should team up and write shit and catch up on our stories. I know lots of us spend days stuck on one story but not the other, or not writing altogether.  It sucks. So. Much. 


Ok... I have a story of my own, ( have a few but just going with one for now) that Im thinking of posting on here. I've always been worried about posting my own story, for one, I don't thing it'll be good, andI've been afraid of my ideas being stolen.  Plus, I already have this fanfic set on here keeping me busy and the additional work of another story would make things take longer posting wise.  but if anyone is interested in an original story by me, let me know. if I reach 10 comments, I might just do it. :)