@ ChicaSapiens Ahhhh... Zginiemy and umrzemy, how romantic...
But as you see polish language always sounds so romantic. Even better than franch xD
Ok, it was the lie. Did you saw that interview where David speak French? It was so... Mind-blowing.
Now quick lesson with June or maybe Anna, because it's how they call me here:
* "Kocham Rogera, nawet jeśli jest zrzędliwym starcem" - I love Roger, even if he is grumpy old man
Good luck trying to pronounce hshshshhahsha
However give my something in Spanish, that will twist my tounge. Today is the last of my mock exams, English, so why don't I learn some Spanish as well?
I know, twisted logic. But how to say in Spanish: Life is meaningless and we're all going to die?
It will be my words to confuse people.